Asmeta Overview

Asmeta is a framework for the Abstract State Machines (ASMs) formal method. It is composed of different tools for performing different validation and verification activities.

It is based on the definition of a metamodel for ASMs. For the metamodel semantics, we adopt the ASMs semantics given in the ASM book.

You can find information on how to download and install the tools.

The documentation about the language and the tools can be found here.

The source code can be found in the github repository


Sep 24 we will have a tutorial on asmeta at FM24
Jun 24 new release 24.06 with several improvements
Apr 24 new relaese 24.04 with many bug fixes is now available, including lazy evaluation
Mar 23 new relaese 23.03 with several bug fixes is now available
Oct 22 We present the work Compositional Simulation of ASM for Safety Critical Systems at FACS 2022
Jun 22 Asmeta is presented at IVOIRE worskhop
Nov 21 Our work Automatic test generation with Asmeta for the Mechanical Ventilator Milano controller is presented at ICTSS 2021
Apr 21 Asmeta now supports time - see our paper at ABZ 2021
Jun 20 Asmeta moves to github