Asmeta Asmeta Tools

We have developed and are distributing the following (stable) tools

Some tools are provided both as eclipse plugins and standalone jars that can be executed at command line. Some are only available as jar files.

Installing ASMETA in eclipse

Some ASMETA tools are integrated in eclipse. The update site is Perform the following steps to install an Asmeta tool from the update site:

1. From your Eclipse menu select Help Software Updates Find and Install...

2. Check Search for new features and press Next.

3. Press New Remote Site... and enter for the update site URL

4. Press Finish.

5. Select the desired tool(s).

6. Follow the steps in the installation wizard.

Downloading an eclipse with asmeta

On the github pages, you can find a zip with asmeta already installed that we use to test that asmeta works. Look at


Asmeta is released under a GPL-like license.

Experimental tools

We have been working on:

  • the AsmetaRE: to generate executable ASMs from Use Case models.
  • the SCA-ASM: an executable modeling language and an engine for service oriented applications. See our paper at EUROMICRO SEAA 2011
  • a graphical editor for Asmeta specs based on GMF

ATGT: test generator

The ATGT test generator now supports structural based testing, fault based testing and combinatorial testing. See the ATGT page for further information.