Asmeta Scenario refiner

The AsmScenRef (Asmeta Scenario Refiner) can be used to automatically generate refined scenarios. Given an abstract model A, a scenario Sa for A, and a refined model R, the tool automatically generates a scenario Sr for R.


Download the tool: AsmScenRef.jar

How to run

To run AsmScenRef

java -jar AsmScenRef.jar [options...] abstractScenario.test refinedModel.asm
 -strongMap  : use the strong version of the mapping function (if not specified, the relaxed version is used)

The tool uses the NuSMV model checker that must be installed in the system and added to the system path. NuSMV can be downloaded from here:


A benchmark set of models, abstract scenarios, and automatically generated refined scenarios, is available here.


P. Arcaini, E. Riccobene. Automatic Refinement of ASM Abstract Test Cases, in 15th Workshop on Advances in Model Based Testing (A-MOST 2019), Xi’an, China, April 22, 2019 doi